SAMSUNG_2018 New Product. Props Style & Setting
하림_판교 엔바이콘 인테리어 디자인 기획 및 컨설팅
하림_논현 엔바이콘 인테리어 디자인 기획 및 컨설팅
하림_하림사옥 공개공지 활용방안 인테리어 설계
Residence_보정동‘Y’씨 주택
Flower shop_창덕궁 플라워샵 설계
하림_하림타워 1층 라운지 및 어질리티 공간 설계
하림_논현 왕스덕 실내 인테리어 디자인 기획 및 컨설팅
Flower Shop_IN UN FIORE
Educational Institute_용인 기독교 미래 연구소
Oriental Clinic_통의동 공명 한의원
Residence_논현동 ‘C’씨 주택
Fashion Shop_Wednesday
Fashion Shop_FIND.J
Fashion Shop_OLDARMY
Fashion Shop_Wednesday
Residence_동천동 ’J’씨 주택
Dental Clinic_소중한 이 치과
Fashion Shop_서랍
Fashion Shop_혜성
Fashion Shop_EDITOR
Fashion Shop_Lemite at homeCafe_JAHU Coffee
Neuropsychiatry_신재경 정신건강의학과
Auto Body Shop_합정동 Auto Body Shop
Postproduction Studio_CIC (Creative Image Company)
Fashion Shop_JAIN SONG(현대 백화점_디큐브시티점)
Fashion Shop_JAIN SONG(POP-UP store)
Fashion Shop_JAIN SONG(현대 백화점_무역센터점)
Fashion Shop_JAIN SONG(갤러리아 백화점_타임월드점)
ostproduction Studio_Dexter The eye
Photo Studio_Skyteam Studio
Dessert Cafe_한입 원 바이트(B.I_VEIG)
Fashion Shop_Another A in 명동 DI
Fashion Shop_ISAE(cooperated with MDP)
Fashion Shop_Another A in Common Ground
Fashion Shop_Another A in Parnasmall
Residence_논현동 K씨 주택(cooperated with MDP)
Dental Clinic_올 치과
Dental Clinic_연세 밝은미소 치과
Photo Studio_아이뽀 스튜디오
Fashion Shop__HAVEN
Fashion Shop_Perple LabFashion Shop_1L G0NG 1L
Fashion Shop_San francisco
Fashion Shop_Scent by london
Fashion Shop_J.J Tiffany
Fashion Shop_Custom order Editor
Fashion Shop_Marisfrolg설계(cooperated with Wiz design)
Bistro Pub_The kitchen 11th
Dental Clinic_서울 권 치과
Fashion Shop_KATE BORN
Fashion Shop_Another A
Fashion Shop_leA
Showwindow Display_Onechoi in G.D.S
Fashion Shop_Mango
Fashion Shop_Ot-jjang
Dental Clinic_연세 닥터연 치과
Fashion Shop_reMAIN
Fashion Shop_Oldarmy
Fashion Shop_Editor
Fashion Shop_Wednesday
Restaurant_옥상달빛 5th 설계
Fashion Shop_Wednesday(중국) 설계
Postoffice_Dexter lab
Fashion Shop_Re’mount
Fashion Shop_Wednesday+